胡爱元 理学博士,教授,硕士生导师,湖北监利人
2016.1-至今 皇冠体彩app下载官网 教授
2012.1-2016.12皇冠体彩app下载官网 副教授
2011.7-2012.12皇冠体彩app下载官网 讲师
2008.9-2011.7 上海交通大学物理与天文学院 博士
2007.7-2008.7 广西玉林师范学院皇冠体彩app下载官网 助教
2004.9-2007.7 广州大学物理与材料学院 硕士
2000.9-2004.7 长江大学物理与光电工程学院 本科
1:Ai-Yuan Hu and Huai-Yu Wang, Phase transition of the frustrated antiferromagntic J1-J2-J3 spin-1/2 Heisenberg model on a simple cubic lattice, Front. Phys. 14(1), 13605 (2019).
2:Ai-Yuan Hu and Huai-Yu Wang, Investigation of possible phase transition of the frustrated spin-1/2 J1-J2-J3 model on the square lattice, Scientific Reports, 7, 10477 (2017).
3:Ai-Yuan Hu and Huai-Yu Wang, Effects of the interplay of neighboring couplings on the possible phase transition of a two-dimensional antiferromagnetic system, Physical Review E 94, 012142 (2016).
4:Ai-Yuan Hu and Huai-Yu Wang, Phase transition of anisotropic frustrated Heisenberg model on the square lattice, Physical Review E 93, 012108 (2016).
5:Ai-Yuan Hu and Huai-Yu Wang, The compensation temperature of a mixedspin-1/2 and spin-1 Heisenberg ferrimagnetic systems, Mater. Res. Express 3, 036105 (2016).
6:Ai-YuanHu, Zhi-Min Wu,Yu-Ting Cui, Guo-Ping Qin, The paramagnetic properties of ferromagnetic mixed-spin chain system, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 374, 539–543 (2015).
7:Ai-Yuan Hu and Huai-Yu Wang, The exchange interaction values of perovskite-type materials EuTiO3 and EuZrO3, Journal of Applied Physics 116, 193903 (2014).
8:Ai-Yuan Hu, Yuan Chen and Qin Wang, The three-dimensional mixed-spin Heisenberg model applied to the magnetic properties of La1−xSrxMnO3 in the random phase approximation, Journal of Applied Physics 108, 093926 (2010).
9:Qin Wang, Ai-Yuan Hu and Hang Zheng, Analytical approach to dynamical behavior and phase diagrams in dissipative two-state systems, Physical Review B 80, 214301 (2009).
10:Yuan Chen, Zhao-Ming Wang and Ai-Yuan Hu, Green’s function method applied to the crossover of the one-dimensional quantum anisotropic Heisenberg ferromagnet, Physical Review B 72, 172406 (2005).