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Brief Introduction to the College of Physics and Electronic Engineering

时间:2022-05-21 点击数量:

College of Physics and Electronic Engineering is one of the departments established when Chongqing Normal University (CNU) was founded in 1954. It has 85 faculty members, including 21 professors, 24 associate professors and 62 doctors. More than 90% of the full-time teachers have doctoral degrees.There are 3 doctoral supervisors and 44 master supervisors; there isoneexpert with special government allowance from the State Council, one member of thephysics evaluation group and curriculumstandardgroup of the Ministry of Education in thenational senior high school entrance examination, one member of the Southwest Regional Working Committee of the Physics Education Steering Committee of the Ministry of Education, two recipients of National Outstanding Youth Fund in Chongqing, three innovation leaders of Chongqing "Talent Program" and "Special Support Program" (for high-level talents), and two academic and technical leaders of Chongqing. It has five distinguished professors and chair professors of Bayu scholars, four young scholars, one young top talent of Chongqing “Special Support Program”, four excellent young and middle-aged backbone teachers of Chongqing’s universities, one outstanding Party member of Chongqing education system, and one winner of Chongqing May Day Labor Medal.The college has four full-time undergraduate majors:Physics (Teacher Training), Electronic Information Science and Technology, Optoelectronic Information Science and Engineering, and New Energy Materials and Devices, with more than 1500 full-time undergraduate students.There are two first-level mater’s programs in physics and optical engineering, as well as two professional master's programs in instructional physics and electronic information, with more than 200 graduate students at school. Furthermore, the college is affiliated with the Chongqing Physical Society.

The college consists of the Department of Physics, the Department of Electronic Engineering, the Department of Optoelectronic Engineering, the Experimental Teaching Center, the Institute of Solar Energy, the Physics Education and Research Laboratory and other teaching and research institutions. It has an independent laboratory building, with more than 12,000 square meters of laboratory and more than 50 million yuan of teaching and research equipment. The experimental teaching center of the college has more than 20 professional laboratoriessuch as in general physics, information optics, modern physics, pedagogy, sensing technology, electronic technology, electrotechnical technology, communication technology, electronic production, simulation technology, single-chip microcomputer technology, microelectronics technology, optoelectronic technology, photovoltaic technology, photoelectric detection, etc., as well as professional training rooms for smart home, LED packaging and testing, wind-solar hybrid power generation, PCB/SMT, optical element assembly, preparation and testing of liquid crystal material, etc.

With two first-level master's degree conferrable spots in physics and optical engineering, the college attaches great importance to discipline construction and scientific research.Physics is a key discipline both in Chongqing and in the new round of application for a doctor’s degree program in CNU.The college hastwo municipal-level scientific research platforms, namely"Chongqing Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Functional Materials"and"Chongqing’s University Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Materials and Engineering", as well astwo municipal-level innovation teams of "Physical Properties and Applications of New Functional Materials" and "New Energy Conversion Materials and Devices".The college adheres to basic research and application development, gathers top scientific research talents, and strengthens original innovation. It has characteristics and advantages in the theoretical research of quantum physical properties of ultracold atoms, equations of state and thermoelectric properties of materials. A series of significant research results have been made in the research of amorphous physics and new alloys, wide bandgap semiconductor thin films, photoelectromagnetic functional materials, and new nanomaterials. It has its own research advantages in the application fields of laser technology, optical illumination technology, light detector technology and its integrated optoelectronic technology.

The college has long focused on the comprehensive reform of education and teaching, and actively explored the cultivation of innovative talents.Itsphysics is a first-class major in China,while its electronic information science and technology is a first-class major in Chongqing and the electronic information science and technology is a major with Chongqing characteristics.There is one Chongqing Talent Training Model Innovation Experimental Zone and one Chongqing Physics Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center for Colleges and Universities. Since its establishment, the college has trained more than 10,000 undergraduates, junior college students and graduate students, and has made great contributions to the education and social and economic development of the country and Chongqing. In recent years, the college has strengthened the professional education and personalized training of students by optimizing the quality of the teaching staff, enhancing teaching management, reforming the talent training model and implementing the undergraduate tutorial system. Its students have won the second and third prizes of the "Toshiba Cup China Normal Universities’ Teaching Skills Innovation Competition for Science Normal Students"sponsored by the Ministry of Education, as well as the first, second and third prizes of the “National Teaching Skills Competition for Normal Students in Normal Colleges”.More than 50% of its undergraduate students have participated in the teachers’ research work. Moreover, the college has adopted modular and hierarchical experimental teaching and improved students' experimental skills and innovation capabilities through measures such as opening laboratories. Its students have won numerous national and municipal awards in the National College Student Electronic Design Competition, Optoelectronic Design Competition, Mathematical Modeling Competition, Single Chip Micyoco Design Competition, Mathematics Competition and "Challenge Cup" Competition. With high ideological quality, solid theoretical foundation and strong professional skills, its graduates are well received by employers. In the past five years, the colleges average employment rate of graduates has always been among the highest in CNU.

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